Increase Demand for Diode Lasers Due to Ease in Tissue Cutting for Surgical Procedures

Medical lasers can be defined as a medical device that uses light sources for the treatment or removal of tissues. Unlike the light bulb, with numerous wavelengths spreading in all directions, laser light has a specific wavelength that is focused on a narrow beam and produces a high-intensity light. Lasers are efficient for surgical work as they focus accurately on tiny areas to facilitate ease in cutting through tissue.

Presently, Numerous dermatological procedures require laser technology, it includes mildly-invasive procedures to fully non-invasive procedures such as laser-assisted lipolysis and photo bio modulation. It also includes skin resurfacing, hair and tattoo removal, vascular and pigmented lesions treatment, non-invasive body contouring, and others.

The laser diodes are used for photobiomodulation that involves non-thermal interaction of the laser light that requires cellular chromophores. It improves cellular metabolism and causes clinical benefits such as tissue regeneration, pain reduction, faster wound healing, and improved functioning. Similarly, dermatology treatments based on skin resurfacing require pulsed lasers for desired non-ablative damage of skin for new skin regeneration.

Similarly, in dental procedures, the medical laser is used for tooth whitening, oral surgery, endodontic or periodontic procedures, and others. The diode laser modules are used for cutting soft tissues smoothly with minimum collateral thermal damage. Moreover, mid-infrared lasers have replaced the use of drills on hard tissue for tooth decay. It has also reduced the requirements for anesthesia and causes minimal bleeding and swelling.

The surgical applications of the medical lasers include urology, cardiovascular and veterinary surgery; lasers can be used in either non-contact or contact surgical applications. Moreover, diode lasers are best suited for contact-based surgical applications, as it involves thermal conduction to cut tissue. While, thulium-doped fiber lasers, erbium-doped fiber lasers, and mid-IR hybrid lasers are used for non-contact surgical application with a selection of the wavelength of laser for the usage of soft tissues.

The medical lasers facilitate ease for surgeons in accomplishing complex tasks with reduced blood loss and post-operative discomfort caused to patients. They also minimize the risk of wound infection and ensure better healing. Moreover, the medical lasers cause non-ionizing radiations that do not possess long-term risk unlike x-rays or other ionizing radiations.

Furthermore, the high-intensity ultra-short pulse lasers are used in photodynamic therapy that involves a 2-photon absorption. The therapy has been proven for treatment of disease sub focal choroidal neovascularization by using verteporfin as a photosensitizer. Moreover, CNV caused by AMD and pathological myopia can also be treated by utilizing transpupillary thermotherapy with the usage of the diode laser at 810 nm, without the requirement of a PDT drug.

The absorption of melanin and oxyhemoglobin causes limited laser penetration of tissues and reduces the functions of laser wavelength, whereas near-IR lasers cause deep penetration compared to the visible lasers in various therapies that need deep penetrations, including hair removal and acupunctures.

Therefore, the medical lasers facilitate ease in surgical procedures and therapies used in the healthcare sector to treat various diseases.